Variant[] (gb)

This class implements a dynamic array of Variant values.

This class inherits Array.

This class is creatable.

This class acts like a read / write array.

This class is enumerable with the FOR EACH keyword.

First   Return or set the first element of the array.
Last   Return or set the last element of the array.

Inherited properties
Bounds   Returns a virtual class representing the bounds of each array dimension.
Count   Returns the number of elements in the array.
Data   Returns a pointer to the array data.
Dim   Returns the number of dimensions of an array.
Empty   Return if the array is empty.
Length   Returns the number of elements in the array.
Max   Returns the greatest index of the array.
ReadOnly   Return or set if the array contents is read-only.
Type   Returns the type of data that can be put into the array.

Add   Inserts an element into the array at the position specified by Index.
Copy   Returns a deep copy of the array.
Delete   A synonymous for Extract.
Equals   Return if the array has the same contents as Array.
Exist   Return if the specified value exists in the array.
ExistSorted   Return if the specified value exists in the array.
Extract   Removes one or more elements from the array, and returns them.
Fill   Fills the array with the specified value.
Find   Returns the position of the first occurrence of Value in the array.
FindSorted   Returns the position of the first occurrence of Value in the array.
Insert   Insert an array into the current one at the position specified by Pos.
Pop   Removes the last element of the array and returns it.
Push   Adds an element at the end of the array.
Reverse   Reverse the order of array elements, and return the array.
Sort   Sort the array and return it.
SortUsing   Sort the array using the order defined by the Order array.

Inherited methods
Clear   Clears the array.
Remove   Removes one or more elements from the array.
Resize   Resizes the array.
Shuffle   Randomly shuffle the array using the Fisher–Yates algorithm.